Cookies policy

Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small data files that can be placed on a device connected to the Internet, such as a computer, a phone, a tablet or even a smart TV. Cookies can be used to collect or store information about how you behave on a website and/or on your device, such as your language choice. Reading these cookies allows the websites which placed them to retrieve the information stored.

Cookies usually have an expiry date. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) up to a predefined expiration period (which can be expressed in minutes, days or years).

Cookies can be placed by the owner of the website you are visiting, these are first party cookies or direct cookies, or by third parties, typically when the website adds elements from other websites such as images, social media plug-ins (such as the Facebook ‘Like button) or advertisements, these are known as third party cookies. When these elements are extracted by the browser or by another software from other websites, these other websites may also place themselves cookies that can then be read by the websites which placed them. These third party cookies enable these third parties to follow the behaviour of Internet users over time and across numerous websites and to create, from this data, profiles of people (profiling), in particular for implementing a more precise and targeted marketing during the future browsing of these Internet users who are tracked this way.

Which cookies do we use on our website and why?

skeyes, administrator of the website (the ‘Site’), uses four types of cookies:

  • essential cookies;
  • functional cookies;
  • analytics cookies;
  • marketing cookies.

To manage the content of the Site, skeyes places essential cookies. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site. It is not possible to refuse these cookies if you want to visit our Site.

The use of functional, analytics and marketing cookies is subject to your prior consent. These cookies will therefore only be installed on your device after your agreement. Please note that by disabling certain (functional) cookies, you will probably no longer be able to use the functionalities of this Site optimally.

As soon as you open this Site, you will be asked to choose your cookies preferences. Please note that you can change your preferences at any time by clicking on the icon at the bottom left of your screen.

Cookies generated and managed by skeyes

Essential cookies

Essential cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of this Site. They therefore cannot be deactivated by the user.

Name of the cookie Description Duration
skeyesCookieConsent Stores your cookies preferences 2 weeks
SPACC Cookie for user authentication of the SPACC service Expires at the end of the session
ARRAffinity This cookie ensures that requests from the same visitor are managed by the same server Expires at the end of the session
ARRAffinitySameSite This cookie ensures that requests from the same visitor are managed by the same server Expires at the end of the session
ASP.NET_SessionId This cookie is used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server in the Microsoft.NET environment Expires at the end of the session

Functional cookies

Functional cookies improve navigation on this Site. They can be disabled. However, the user experience will not be optimal.

Name of the cookie Description Duration
BelgoContext This cookie enables remembering the language chosen by the user when browsing the site. 1 year

Analytics cookies

Analytics cookies are used to collect data related to user behaviour on this Site. For example, the number of times a page has been viewed. They can be deactivated without any consequence on the user's navigation.

Name of the cookie Description Duration
__atuvc This cookie is associated with the social media sharing bar. It indicates the number of times a page has been shared 13 months
__atuvs This cookie is associated with the social media sharing bar. It indicates the number of times a page has been shared 30 minutes
_ga This cookie is used to identify the user 2 years
_gid This cookie is used to identify the user 24 hours after his last activity. 1 day
_hjid This cookie ensures that on the next visit to the same site, the user will be assigned the same user identifier (ID) 1 year
_gat_UA-128758038-1 This cookie temporarily stores statistical information. It does not contain any personal information 1 minute
_gat_gtag_UA_128758038_1 This cookie temporarily stores statistical information. It does not contain any personal information 1 minute
ai_session This cookie tracks the user through the different pages of the website. It does not contain any personal information 30 minutes
ai_user This cookie tracks the user who visits the website again. It does not contain any personal information 1 year
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress This cookie marks the start of the user session. It does not contain any identifying data. 30 minutes
_hjFirstSeen This cookie marks the start of the user session. It does not contain any identifying data. 30 minutes
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample This cookie is used to determine whether a visitor is included in the data sampling defined by the load limit of a page on the site. 30 minutes
_hjTLDTest Sharing of cookie management between subdomains Expires at the end of the session
_gcl_au This cookie is used by Google AdSense to evaluate the effectiveness of advertisements across websites using their services. 1 minute

Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies enable collecting data related to user behaviour on this Site and using them for commercial and/or advertising purposes. They can be deactivated without any consequence on the user's navigation.

Name of the cookie Description Duration
This cookie is used to store and track vistits across webistes 3 months

Cookies generated and managed by third parties

Essential cookies

Name of the cookie Description Duration
_GRECAPTCHA This cookie is used to verify that you are a human when submitting an anonymous form. It is neither generated nor managed by skeyes. However, it cannot be deactivated because it is essential for the proper functioning of the site. 6 months

Functional cookies

Name of the cookie Description Duration
CONSENT This cookie allows Google to check your cookie preferences 2 years
loc Cookie related to the social media sharing bar 13 months
PREF This cookie stores your preferences and other information regarding language, the number of search results you want to see on the page and whether or not you want to activate the Google's SafeSearch filter. 8 months
uvc Cookie related to the social media sharing bar. 13 months
xtc This cookie is used to securely verify your SharePoint login data Expires at the end of the session
YSC This cookie stores a unique identifier that remembers which YouTube videos the user has viewed. Expires at the end of the session

Marketing cookies

Name of the cookie Description Duration
DSID This cookie is used to target, analyse and optimize advertising campaigns in DoubleClick/Google Marketing Suite 1 hour
GPS This cookie saves a unique identifier on mobile devices to enable tracking based on GPS geographic location 30 minutes
IDE This cookie is used to target, analyse and optimize advertising campaigns in DoubleClick/Google Marketing Suite 13 months
NID This cookie is used to collect site statistics and track conversion rates and personalization of Google ads. 6 months
test_cookie This cookie determines whether the user's browser supports cookies. Expires at the end of the session
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE This cookie gives an estimate of the user's bandwidth on pages that include YouTube videos. 1 year

How can I see which cookies are installed on my device and how can I delete them?

If you want to know which cookies are installed on your device or if you wish to activate, deactivate and/or delete them, you can use a setting in your browser.

The cookie settings can mostly be found in the ‘options’ or ‘settings’ menu of your browser. The following links may prove useful to better understand those settings.
You can also at all times use the ‘Help’ button of your browser for more information:

You can find more information on cookies and how manage them on your browser at the following website:

External links

The Site mentions external links to document certain information. The activation of these links is the responsibility of the user. However, we advise you to consult the privacy statement as well as the cookies policy of the site concerned.

Interesting links:

Cookies policy

skeyes uses cookies on this website. Essential cookies are necessary for the website to work properly and cannot be refused. Functional cookies are useful for certain features of the site. You can refuse them but, in some cases, your use of the site may not be optimal. Other cookies are used for analytical and marketing purposes and will only be placed if you agree to their placement. See our cookies policy to find out more.