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Training Officer Continuation & Development Training

As our Training Officer Continuation & Development Training you ensure that air traffic controllers remain competent to perform their functions as well as additional roles (Supervisor, OJTI, Assessor,...) by managing, coordinating and monitoring Continuation & Development training courses.

What does a skeyes Training Officer Continuation & Development Training do?

  • Follow up and support the learning needs analysis on further continuous training of air traffic controllers so that training is adapted to needs. This includes:
    • supporting management in identifying the needs based on the evolutions of the required competences for each of the ATS functions compared to the levels acquired by the employees (Identifying the GAPs) and submitting them to the management responsible for approval.
    • consolidating the information related to GAP definition together with the internal stakeholders (ATS management, PM and/or SME of certain projects).
    • identifying and following up the learning needs identified by management.
  • You will develop training concepts and coordinate and supervise operational planning to ensure training is delivered on time and with the available resources. This includes:
    • developing the high-level concept of the training (content, objective to be achieved, target group, expected outcome, methodology,...) in cooperation with the responsible internal stakeholders (ATS management, Supervisors , PM and/or SME of certain projects, Training Officer for ATS Unit Training & OCA) and with the external training organisation (EPNB).
    • identifying possible trainers, both internal 'coaches-teachers' and possible trainers external to ATS and submit this to the responsible management for approval.
    • preparing preliminary planning of the necessary training sessions, in collaboration with the ATS Planning Office.
    • overseeing the quality and coherence of the programme and ensuring the necessary communication, both to management and to the trainers and staff involved.
    • ensuring the transfer of content and training materials from conversion training to Unit training in collaboration with the Training Officer Unit Training.
  • You oversee the quality and optimisation of training and assessments. This includes, in collaboration with EPNB:
    • collecting and analysing participants' evaluations of the training courses.
    • contacting the various managers to measure the efficiency and satisfaction level of the training courses.
    • following up the content of the training courses and the assessments to ensure that they meet the predefined objectives and take action where necessary.
    • ensuring that training and assessments comply with Safety requirements, as well as applicable ISO procedures and internal and external regulations.
    • monitoring applicable standards and regulations to ensure that training processes and methods meet the needs and conform to the requirements of the BSA or international applicable regulations.
    • monitoring the evolution of standards and regulations and proposing necessary adjustments to processes and methods to management.
    • preparing and implementing programme changes.
  • You will organise and manage a team of `coaches-teachers` who will prepare and deliver the training. This includes:
    • looking for employees who are eligible to give the trainings and participate in their selection to organise training for them as 'coaches-teachers'.
    • supporting and supervising the 'coaches-teachers' in the preparation of the training courses entrusted to them.
    • seeing to it that the demand is matched to the predefined needs and monitoring the training programmes drawn up.
    • in some cases, you yourself acting as 'coach-teacher.
  • Monitor and evaluate the feasibility of the training forecast set by management. This includes:
    • monitoring the predefined Training Forecast and supporting its consolidation.
    • drawing up an estimate of the necessary effort and resources as well as a timeline for the predefined trainings and checking the operational feasibility.
    • reporting the risks and issues to the management concerned so that the necessary actions can be taken and prioritised.
  • You will have responsibilities in acquiring and maintaining the competences of air traffic controllers (ref EU REG 2015/340):
    • You are responsible for ensuring that training of an adequate level is provided and that trainees' progress is monitored in the areas delegated by the training manager.

Candidate profile

What makes you the perfect Training Officer Continuation & Development Training?

  • You have technical training as a professional in the aviation sector (ATCO, Engineer, Pilot).
  • You have at least 5 years of relevant work experience.
  • You have strong organisational skills.
  • The administrative part of the job does not scare you off and you always work meticulously. You naturally always keep aspects such as traceability and compliance in mind.
  • You are good at coaching and training employees.
  • You have a creative mindset and link this to innovative problem-solving thinking.
  • You are prepared to undergo continuous training in the field of adult learning, coaching, etc.
  • You speak and write English fluently and can express yourself in Dutch or French.
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Security Screening

In light of the vacancy to which you respond we would like to draw your special attention to the fact that prior to being employed by skeyes candidates have to undergo a security screening which will be carried out by the National Security Authority. More info

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