About us

skeyes is an autonomous public company in charge of the safety of air traffic in the civil airspace for which the Belgian State is responsible. Our company fulfils this mission while optimising costs and punctuality, increasing capacity and ensuring the sustainable development of air traffic. skeyes provides all the essential services to manage and control the air traffic safely

Our mission: air traffic safety

  • ATM - Air traffic management and air traffic control
  • Technology : infrastructure and systems of ATM data processing, Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Meteo
  • AIM and Meteo : aeronautical information and meteorological information services

→ Discover our mission and services more in details via « Your Safe Flight »

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Our vision

skeyes engaged in a change process to bring the most safe, sustainable and unique experience to every single airspace user.
This is a dream shared by the employees at skeyes and will become a reality thanks to a threefold strategy:

  • Partner with our customers: each airspace user will consider skeyes as their preferred partner.
  • Partner with our people: 80% of skeyes’ employees will be highly engaged in achieving the goals of the company.
  • Build a future-proof company: skeyes will be seen as the example to follow in the world of aeronautics.

To support this strategy, on a daily basis, skeyes is building a company culture which promotes respect, taking responsibility, open-mindedness and collaboration.

Key figures 2023

number of flights managed
by skeyes

growth in air traffic compared
to 2022 (number of flights)

flights handled punctually
by skeyes

number of employees

More figures in our Annual report


As an autonomous public company, skeyes is governed by the law of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies stipulating that autonomous public companies are managed by a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee.

The Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for daily management and representation of this management, as well as for the enforcement of the decisions of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee represents the company in negotiations concerning the management contract. The members of the Executive Committee constitute a board presided by the Chief Executive Officer. It makes recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to the development, the activities and the management of the company.

The Executive Committee of skeyes is composed as follows:

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is empowered to take any action necessary for or useful in attaining the corporate goal of the public company and supervises the management tasks carried out by the Executive Committee. In this respect the Board of Directors has created three committees: an Audit Committee, a Strategy Committee and a Remuneration Committee. The Board of Directors may delegate some of its powers to the Executive Committee.

The Board of Directors of skeyes consists of:

Other control and management bodies

As an autonomous public company, skeyes is subjected to external management supervision carried out by:

  • The Board of Auditors that controls the financial position and the regularity of the accounts.
  • The Government Commissioner - designated by Royal Decree on the recommendation of the Minister/Secretary of State for Mobility - who ensures the company complies with the law and the management contract. The management contract defines the rules and conditions under which skeyes fulfils its mission of public service.

Activity Zone

Main Operating Office – Brussels Airport


Tervuursesteenweg 303

B-1820 Steenokkerzeel

Tel. + 32 2 206 21 11

Fax + 32 2 206 22 88

Antwerp Airport


Internationale Luchthaven Antwerpen

B-2100 Deurne

Brussels South Charleroi Airport


Aéroport de Charleroi-Brussels South

Bâtiment S6

B-6041 Gosselies

Liege Airport


Aéroport de Liège

Bâtiment 86

B-4460 Grâce-Hollogne

Ostend Airport


Internationale Luchthaven Oostende

Nieuwpoortse Steenweg 889

B-8400 Oostende

Kortrijk-Wevelgem Airport


Internationale Luchthaven

Luchthavenstraat 1,

Bus 1 8560 Wevelgem

Bertem radar station


Station radar

Koppelstraat 63

B-3060 Bertem

Saint-Hubert radar station


Radar des Ardennes


B-6870 Saint-Hubert

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